Materials to review before taking the next step

Berlin – Houses everyone can pay for

Video about Berlin’s inspiring housing movement and their fight against landlords.

Rethinking land and relations in Berlin’s struggle for housing justice

A Minim article about Berliners’ movements for rights to housing.

Removing outdoors adverts is essential to reclaiming the urban commons

A minim article about how tackling corporate advertising can enable us to reimagine our cities and imagine without corporate propaganda.

Municipalist School, Session 4: Right to housing and municipalism: success stories

Video from EMN summer school: Barcelona housing chief Vanessa Valiño talks about 2 tools: an anti-eviction unit “dedicated to stopping evictions daily” & “a commitment to co-op housing.” e.g. building capacity across co-op sector.

Meeting l’Asilo – an urban commons for art and culture

Video about l’Asilo, a pioneering space in Naples’ transformation into a city with diverse urban-commons spaces.

We hope you have learned useful knowledge going through all this path. What if you try another one and see what is there for you?

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