Materials to review before taking the next step

Remunicipalisation Introduction

An explainer with a plethora of reports and resources about remunicipalisation from TNI.

Barcelona creates the largest public electricity company in the State: 20,000 homes

Newspaper article in Spanish about how Barcelona took back control of its electricity and transformed it into renewable generation.

Remunicipalisation: Putting Water Back into Public Hands

Video about how and why people are undoing privatisation and remunicipalising their water, electricity and other services.

Choose Your Next Step

Remunicipalisation, as a process that transforms the "for profit orientation" of private-public partnerships into a "for the benefit of the public" objective, needs to solve the problem of economy… and therefore, we need to reflect about it. So, what would you like to do next? Would you like to know more about "democratic economy at the municipal level"? Or maybe you prefer to deal with an economic activity that fosters neoliberal capitalism: housing and speculation.

Reclaiming Public Space and Housing

Democratic Local Economy