Materials to review before taking the next step

Fearless Cities: The Global Municipalist Movement

Website explainer about Fearless Cities – a network of cities working through municipalism.

Fearless Cities: Municipalism – Experiments in Self-Governance

Open Democracy article about Fearless Cities, the convergences and the momentum.

Fearless Cities: Politics in Action

“Fearless Cities: Municipalist Politics in Action” is the first book written by and for the global municipalist movement. Written collaboratively by more than 140 people from 19 countries, the Fearless Cities guide is made up of four parts: essays, organizing and policy toolkits, and profiles.

Fearless Cities Closing Plenary, Barcelona En Comú

A video capturing the final session from the first Fearless Cities in Barcelona, 2017.

Fearless Cities

Wiki about Fearless Cities and all the translocal summits held worldwide.

Choose Your Next Step

As you could see in the "Fearless Cities", there are many municipalist governments transforming social conditions... would you like to know more about the many many many examples of municipalist transformations? Go to the scale/maps step! Or maybe, you want to take a free-online course to know more about municipalism in theory and practice?

Scales / Mapping: another world is already happening

EMN Municipalism School