Materials to review before taking the next step

Fearless Cities Book

“Fearless Cities Guide for the Global Municipalist Movement” is the first book written by and for the global municipalist movement. Written collaboratively by more than 140 people from 19 countries.

Municipal Enquiry’s 2022 report: ‘Pathways to the New Municipalism’

Report on challenges and obstacles to the broadening of municipalism in the UK

The People’s Plan for Glasgow

The People’s Plan for Glasgow offers the opportunity for collaboration between organisations, campaigns and individuals to co-create a revitalised local democracy and a Glasgow that works for people, the planet and future generations.

Which municipalism? Let’s be choosy

OpenDemocracy article about what we are talking about when we refer to the “new municipalism” or “municipalist transformation”

Tips & tools for running a democratic neighbourhood assembly.

MunicipalistMonday thread drawing on experiences from across Europe and beyond on how to run a neighbourhood and local democratic assemblies.

Choose Your Next Step

Local politics are complicated – many things are happening at the local level… What would you like to know more about? Would you like to keep learning about the challenges that local transformative politics confronts? Or maybe you are interested in knowing more about how feminism and caring can guide us into a new political economy from the local level.

The local scale as a battlefield for transforming the world

Feminisation and Care: Creating the Basis for a New Local Political Economy